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February 2015
February 2015

Tue. 3 Feb, 2015

Confidential Client: Project Launch (Tue. 3 Feb, 2015 8:00 am - 5:00 pm)

Flier PhotoeCameron has been engaged to facilitate and conduct a one day Project Launch to help the client kick off new methodology and processes for increased success. 

A Project Launch is proactive approach to start any project with clear roles, definitions, and goals. If you are interested in a project launch for you company please click here or at the bottom of the page there is a link to the product description for complete details and pricing.

A project's destiny is set very early, often before the project even starts. A properly run project launch is the first opportunity when all of the key project stakeholders are gathered and can identify and correct issues. Critical to the kickoff's and project's success is having the right stakeholders reviewing and agreeing to the project approach, risks, and mitigations.


    • Set up the project for the best chance of success.
    • Define the proper project approach through prototyping solutions.
    • Identify and vet major project risks.
Read more:

Mon. 9 Feb, 2015

Coming to Wisconsin: Meet Up? (Mon. 9 Feb, 2015 5:00 am - Fri. 13 Feb, 2015 6:00 am)

February 9th - 13th Todd C. Williams will be in Wisconsin

The week of Feb 9-13th Todd C. Williams will be in Wisconsin to speak at three PMI events detailed below.

Are you interested in meeting for coffee or a meal to network, discuss topics for your organizations, or find out if eCameron can help your company? Please reach out and contact us if you’d like to connect while Todd is in your area.

  • Tuesday Feb 10th Todd will be giving his ‘Vision to Value’ presentation at the North Central Lunch Meeting
  • Tuesday Feb 10th Todd will be giving his ‘Vision to Value’ presentation at the North Eastern Dinner Meeting
  • Wednesday Feb 11th Todd will be giving his ‘Vision to Value’ presentation at the North Eastern Lunch Meeting
    • If you would like to attend any of his presentations for PMI you can register here.
    • If you can’t make it to any of these events, but you are interested in this topic you can find more information and submit a request here.

For our followers on social media, this is a chance to meet face to face and have a discussion in real life! You can find all our contact information under 'about us' or by clicking here.

Tue. 10 Feb, 2015

PMI-WI North Central Lunch: Turning Vision to Value (Tue. 10 Feb, 2015 9:15 am - 11:00 am)

PMI - WI North Central Lunch Meeting: Tuesday Feb 10th 2015

Turning Vision to Value

Join us on February 10th for lunch, check back for final venue details. 

About the topic:

Leaders define vision. A business turns vision into value. It still takes a team of executives, managers, project managers, and individual contributors to drive the projects that build the capabilities transforming businesses. Ergo, projects are the enablers for turning vision into value.
To achieve this an entire team of people must build value-driven organizations that are seasoned yet adaptive, structured yet agile, pragmatic yet innovative. It is not a simple feat. Four basic tenants allow you to do this:
  • Strategy to meet corporate goals drives all of your work.
  • Work cannot start until the people to complement the strategy are in place.
  • Processes need to fit the individual projects (not too lean, not to heavy, and sized for each project).
  • Technology is only a tool to improve efficiency—it is only a means to an end.
To start down this path you must:
  • Print and read your corporate strategy.
  • Map all projects to that strategy.
  • Focus on the top three corporate initiatives.
  • Build a laser focused plan.
These steps provide the core elements to help you build and lead a powerful organization that provides value, accelerates business growth, and is a strategic component of your company.
The Vision to Value keynote shows the importance of:
  • Defining the core businesses activities that support the corporate vision.
  • Building strategy maps to define each business units’ goals.
  • Assembling the right organization with the proper people.
  • Implementing the correct level of process to efficiently monitor and control progress

Meeting Agenda

  • Registration/Networking 11:15 AM
  • Orientation 11:15 AM
  • Lunch 11:30 AM
  • Speaker 12:00 PM
  • Closing 1:05 PM

Register Here


If you are interested in this topic for your organization you can view more information as well as contact us here.

PMI-WI North Eastern Dinner: Turning Vision to Value (Tue. 10 Feb, 2015 3:15 pm - 6:15 pm)

PMI - WI North Eastern Dinner: Tuesday Feb 11th 2015

Turning Vision to Value

About the topic:

Leaders define vision. A business turns vision into value. It still takes a team of executives, managers, project managers, and individual contributors to drive the projects that build the capabilities transforming businesses. Ergo, projects are the enablers for turning vision into value.
To achieve this an entire team of people must build value-driven organizations that are seasoned yet adaptive, structured yet agile, pragmatic yet innovative. It is not a simple feat. Four basic tenants allow you to do this:
  • Strategy to meet corporate goals drives all of your work.
  • Work cannot start until the people to complement the strategy are in place.
  • Processes need to fit the individual projects (not too lean, not to heavy, and sized for each project).
  • Technology is only a tool to improve efficiency—it is only a means to an end.
To start down this path you must:
  • Print and read your corporate strategy.
  • Map all projects to that strategy.
  • Focus on the top three corporate initiatives.
  • Build a laser focused plan.
These steps provide the core elements to help you build and lead a powerful organization that provides value, accelerates business growth, and is a strategic component of your company.
The Vision to Value keynote shows the importance of:
  • Defining the core businesses activities that support the corporate vision.
  • Building strategy maps to define each business units’ goals.
  • Assembling the right organization with the proper people.
  • Implementing the correct level of process to efficiently monitor and control progress

Meeting Venue:


  • Liberty Hall Banquet & Conference Center, 800 Eisenhower Drive,Kimberly, WI 54136


Meeting Agenda:

  • Registration/Networking 5:15 PM
  • Orientation 5:30 PM
  • Dinner 6:00 PM
  • Business Meeting 6:45 PM
  • Speaker 7:00 - 8:00 PM

Register Here


If you are interested in this topic for your organization you can view more information as well as contact us here.

Wed. 11 Feb, 2015

PMI-WI North Eastern Lunch: Turning Vision to Value (Wed. 11 Feb, 2015 9:15 am - 11:00 am)

PMI - WI North Eastern Lunch Meeting: Wednesday Feb 11th 2015

Turning Vision to Value

About the topic:

Leaders define vision. A business turns vision into value. It still takes a team of executives, managers, project managers, and individual contributors to drive the projects that build the capabilities transforming businesses. Ergo, projects are the enablers for turning vision into value.
To achieve this an entire team of people must build value-driven organizations that are seasoned yet adaptive, structured yet agile, pragmatic yet innovative. It is not a simple feat. Four basic tenants allow you to do this:
  • Strategy to meet corporate goals drives all of your work.
  • Work cannot start until the people to complement the strategy are in place.
  • Processes need to fit the individual projects (not too lean, not to heavy, and sized for each project).
  • Technology is only a tool to improve efficiency—it is only a means to an end.
To start down this path you must:
  • Print and read your corporate strategy.
  • Map all projects to that strategy.
  • Focus on the top three corporate initiatives.
  • Build a laser focused plan.
These steps provide the core elements to help you build and lead a powerful organization that provides value, accelerates business growth, and is a strategic component of your company.
The Vision to Value keynote shows the importance of:
  • Defining the core businesses activities that support the corporate vision.
  • Building strategy maps to define each business units’ goals.
  • Assembling the right organization with the proper people.
  • Implementing the correct level of process to efficiently monitor and control progress

Meeting Venue

Holiday Inn, 4601 Calumet Ave, Manitowoc, WI 54220

Meeting Agenda

  • Registration/Networking 11:15 AM
  • Lunch 11:30 AM
  • Speaker 12:00 PM
  • Closing 1:05 PM

Register Here


If you are interested in this topic for your organization you can view more information as well as contact us here.

Thu. 12 Feb, 2015

Coming to Rochester Minnesota: Meet Up? (Thu. 12 Feb, 2015 7:00 am - Fri. 13 Feb, 2015 1:00 pm)

Feb 12th & 13th Todd C. Williams will be in Rochester Minnesota on business meetings.

Are you interested in getting together over coffee or a meal to network, discuss topics for your organizations, or find out if eCameron can help your company? Please reach out and contact us if you’d like to connect while Todd is in your area.

For our followers on social media, this is a chance to meet face to face and have a discussion in real life! You can find all our contact information under 'about us' or by clicking here.

Fri. 13 Feb, 2015

Coming to Rochester Minnesota: Meet Up? (Thu. 12 Feb, 2015 7:00 am - Fri. 13 Feb, 2015 1:00 pm)

Feb 12th & 13th Todd C. Williams will be in Rochester Minnesota on business meetings.

Are you interested in getting together over coffee or a meal to network, discuss topics for your organizations, or find out if eCameron can help your company? Please reach out and contact us if you’d like to connect while Todd is in your area.

For our followers on social media, this is a chance to meet face to face and have a discussion in real life! You can find all our contact information under 'about us' or by clicking here.

Mon. 16 Feb, 2015

University of Portland Guest Lecture: Visualizing Project Leadership: A Project Manager’s Key to Success (Mon. 16 Feb, 2015 4:10 pm - 5:40 pm)

Visualizing Project Leadership: A Project Manager’s Key to Success



Can you visualize your projects—its risks, its goals, its issues, its assumptions, its mitigations, what helps it, and what hinders it? Doing so, would allow you to move, manage, and relate to each of those attributes. Further, it would provide a tool to get your team and stakeholders to help eliminate issues.

Project Prototyping is an education and facilitation technique that materializes these attributes and allows you to move them around the room or even off your project. Everyone in the presentation visualizes how to enhance, improve, mitigate, or eliminate these factors on a project. The technique illustrates communication and support issues, allowing you to engage everyone in evaluating new project strategies.

This presentation makes use of 15-20 people from the audience to create a Project Prototyping of current methodologies, teaches a few basic leadership skills, and then enlists the audience again to show how those skills a can be put into action. The result is an open conversation that surfaces concepts that are innovative, sometimes radical, to change the interrelationship of people, process, and the inanimate objects that constitute our project.

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