Todd provided a guest article on ZDNet's IT Project Failure Blog hosted by Michael Krigsman.
"I [Michael Krigsman] talk with many enterprise buyers, system integrators, CIOs, and software vendors about why IT projects are so notoriously difficult to get right. In the end, two observations astound me:
- The very structure of economic and political interests often drives IT failure
- Enterprise buyers frequently exhibit poor judgment and denial when constructing their projects. Worse, the folks who most need advice are typically the least likely to accept it.
These problems are part of the business environment in which organizations deliver IT projects — they lie outside the project itself. For this reason, successful IT delivery requires a deep connection to the broader business. To be effective, this connection should take the form of collaboration between lines of business and IT. Success in IT requires cultivating greater cooperation between the technology delivery parts of an organization and the business units that consume technology to improve operations.
Author and consultant, Todd C. Williams, is a top authority..." Read the entire article...