
The Money

Ask the Experts: Cost audits with Todd Williams

by - Elizabeth Harrin

Today I’m interviewing Todd Williams, author of the popular book, Rescue the Problem Project. In the book, Todd talks about cost audits. Even if your project doesn’t need rescuing, cost audits are a useful technique to use, so I talked to Todd to find out more.

Read the interview here.

Banner for Guerrilla Project ManagementSamad Aidane interviews Todd Williams about how to identify, prevent, and recover from project failure.  Todd shares the big ideas from his latest book “Rescue the Problem Project” and provides an overview of  his practical, battle tested and proven methodology for identifying, preventing, and recovering from project failure.

The interview was recorded on-location at Anthony's Famous Seattle Seafood Restaurant apologies for any background noise.

Listen Here

Press Release ImageAgeology LogoeCameron has been selected to perform the technology services for a Chicago based start-up dealing with age management.  This contract will bring the design, development, deployment, and management functions for Ageology, LLC to the Vancouver-Portland Metro area.  In the next few months, eCameron will select and manage the development company from a short-list of five vendors. Read the entire press release here.

PMChat LogoPMChat hosts Rob Prinzo and Robert Kelly ask Todd Williams the following questions on Project Recovery:

  • While some projects do have unforeseen issues, most projects have indicators that they are headed down the wrong path. Can you share some insight into what a PM should be watching for to spot trouble and head it off?
  • Let's say our readers haven't read either Rob Prinzo's book or yours Todd and they find themselves leading a project gone astray. What are the key actions a PM must do to stop the bleeding and get this thing back on track?
  • In your guest blog, you speak about a learning culture, with regards to project success. Can you explain that and provide some guidance to our listeners that may be individual contributors...what can they do if they don't have PMO or Enterprise influence?

Sound interesting? Of course it does! Check out the answers in this fast 15-minute interview.

Press Release ImageNASA logoTodd C. Williams has been accepted to present on People and Process at the February, 2012 NASA Project Management Challenge 2012. It is an extreme honor to be a contributor at NASA’s annual seminar designed to examine current program/project management trends, as well as provide a forum for knowledge sharing and exchange lessons learned. By attracting stakeholders from all experience levels of our workforce, NASA establishes an important link between NASA's world-class experts and our emerging leaders for tomorrow.  Read the entire press release here.

ZDnet's Anniversary LogoMichael Krigsman's article, "Six Lessons for Intelligent Project Management," (ZDNet's IT Project Failure Blog) focuses on the value of Critical Chain Project Management. He asked Todd about some of his experiences using CCPM in project recovery.

"Many organizations mistakenly think project managers are solely responsible for implementation success or failure. On the surface, such myopic and shortsighted views may appear true — if many tasks are late and over-budget, then of course the overall project will also follow suit.

However, looking more closely it becomes clear..." Read the entire article...

Americam Management Association logoJohn Canniffe, of the American Management Association (AMA), talks with Todd Williams to answer the question that plagues executives and project managers alike-- “What do we do about problem projects?”

Stop them, bring in a new team, throw money at them, and so on, are some of the answers that float around the room and keep you up at night.

What if you could avoid them almost entirely?

In this webcast, you’ll learn the two crucial steps that ensure projects start successfully. Without a solid foundation, projects are doomed from the start. Most problems can be traced to the earliest points of project inception—long before that delivery team is involved.

This program, originally airing December 14th 2011, can be heard through an on-demand replay on AMA's site!  Simply register and listen to it for free.

Unlike Before's LogoFlag of ItalyFrom Italy:

Deanne Earle's book review of Rescue the Problem Project published November 24, 2011 on her blog Change Through Action

"After reading Todd Williams’ book Rescue the Problem Project: A Complete Guide to Identifying, Preventing, and Recovering from Project Failure it couldn’t be clearer - to recover a failing project strong teams are required.

People are projects..."

Project Manger Australia LogoFlags of AustraliaFrom Australia:

Jim Mavronicholas' book review of Rescue the Problem Project published November 15, 2011 on the site

"Whether you are a seasoned project manager or at the beginning of your career, this book is for you if your project is in the ‘red’.

With 25 years of project recovery experience, Todd C Williams has successfully broken down the project rescue process into four well defined stages that..." Read more...

Vicki James LogoVicki James and Todd Williams met at the PMI Global Congress and subsequently met for lunch in Tumwater, Washington in the shadow of the old Olympia Brewing Company.

"Samad introduced me to another of his connections, Todd Williams. As it turns out, Todd is another relatively local area consultant, principal of eCameron, Inc., specializing in project audit and recovery services. Having just taken over managing a project in trouble, I was very interested in his expertise.  He discussed..." Read the entire article...

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