Project Communication
Alignment: Using the Balanced Scorecard to Create Corporate Synergies
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Author: | Robert S. Kaplan, David P. Norton |
Publisher: | Harvard Business Review Press |
Released: | April 2006 |
Type: | Hardcover |
Pages: | 320 |
ISBN: | 978-0201835953 |
Projects build capabilities to met corporate goals. If you are a CEO, you need to make sure your employees and vendors know what those goals are and how they fit in to the plan. If you are a project manager, you need to know the bounds of you project. If you are anywhere in-between, you need to understand how all the pieces fit together and keep it all aligned.
Most organizations consist of multiple business and support units, each populated by highly trained, experienced executives. But often the efforts of individual units are not coordinated, resulting in conflicts, lost opportunities, and diminished performance.
Working for Peanuts and Other Communication Tricks
Back in the eighties, I was working for a large aerospace company cutting my teeth as a systems analyst. My bosses were a little older than I am now, and they loved talking about the days before cubicles, pontificating on how personal computers were inferior to mainframes, and reminiscing about the days of the BOMARC missile. It was their way of telling us thirty-something kids that they were in control and we needed to respect their position. Then, as now, information was king and these pterodactyls were not letting it go. To earn the stripes, one had to partake in the tribal rituals, smoke cigars during three-martini lunches, and attend your boss's parties. They saw no value in email let alone the boondoggle shop floor automation project I was part of. In two words, communication sucked.
Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers
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Author: | Geoffrey A. Moore |
Publisher: | HarperBusiness |
Released: | August 2006 |
Type: | Softcover |
Pages: | 227 |
ISBN: | 978-0201835953 |
To be a great project manager, you need to understand business. Your job is applying change to improve an organization, you had better understand why some changes and some leaders can create a metric differ to a company.
Just Shut Up and Listen
A speaker at a recent conference asked the well-dressed audience, "When is the best time to listen?" As with most presenters' questions, there was a host of blank stares, a few people rustled in their seats, and the remainder diverted their eyes to their laps as if a sudden important message had appeared on their notepad. After a pregnant pause the answer came, "When someone is talking." A relieved, yet embarrassed, chuckle rippled through the suit-clad audience. The advice is a good start; however, listening entails significantly more effort.
ITSuccess TweetJam
Last Monday Mitch Lieberman invited me to a TweetJam on ITSuccess. My first reaction was, "What the heck is a TweetJam?" Google was of no help. All I could tell was that two of most prominent authorities on IT project failure were at the center of the meeting—Mike Krigsman and Phil Simon. The invitation was an honor. The result was summed up in my closing tweet, "@mjayliebs, that's one of the fastest hours I have spent in my life. Thank you very much for the idea and the invitation." It was one of the most educational and exciting events I have seen in years.
Strategies for Project Sponsorship
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Author: | Vicki James, Ron Rosenhead, Peter Taylor |
Publisher: | Management Concepts Press |
Released: | May 22, 2013 |
Type: | Softcover |
Pages: | 204 |
ISBN: | 978-1567264067 |
The project sponsor is critical to project success, yet it is a role that is often assigned to a member of the organization with little knowledge or training in project management practices. This creates challenges not only for the sponsor but for the project manager. The organization suffers too if key members of the project team are not fully utilized, as valuable resources are wasted. In Strategies for Project Sponsorship, the authors address this challenge from all three vantage points that of the project manager, the project sponsor, and the organization. Based on their practical experience and solid research, they offer practical methods that project manager s can use to optimize the participation of the sponsor. They also offer clear and straightforward guidance for project sponsors on how to properly execute their duties and contribute to project success. Executives will gain valuable perspective on the organization s projects and key players. From defining the roles and responsibilities of the project sponsor to suggesting specific practices that maximize the working relationship between the sponsor and project manager, this book is the ultimate guide. Examples from real-world sponsor experiences, as well as tips, techniques, and tools, enhance its applicability and practicality. This book should be given to every newly assigned project sponsor, read and referred to by every project manager, and on the desk of every organizational executive as a reference.
Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive
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Author: | Noah J. Goldstein Ph.D., Steve J. Martin, Robert B. Cialdini Ph.D. |
Publisher: | Free Press |
Released: | December 2009 |
Type: | Softcover |
Pages: | 272 |
ISBN: | 978-0201835953 |
Project managers spend 90% of their time trying to persuade people to do something be it stakeholders, executives, end users, or the project team. They spend very little time learning how to do it better. Yes! gives you fifty ways to change your message and help you persuade anyone to do anything (well, almost). You can also get our excel spreadsheet that helps you focus on the right tools for what ever you are trying to do.
New York Times bestselling introduction of fifty scientifically proven techniques for increasing your persuasive powers in business and life.
Small changes can make a big difference in your powers of persuasion.
Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes
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Author: | Robert S. Kaplan, David P. Norton |
Publisher: | Harvard Business Review Press |
Released: | February 2004 |
Type: | Hardcover |
Pages: | 454 |
ISBN: | 978-0201835953 |
Projects build capabilities to meet corporate goals. If you are a CEO, you need to make sure your employees and vendors know what those goals are and how they fit in to the plan. If you are a project manager, you need to know the bounds of you project. If you are anywhere in between, you need to understand how all the pieces fit together and keep it all aligned.
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
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Author: | Roger Fisher, William L. Ury |
Publisher: | Penguin Books |
Released: | May 2011 |
Type: | Softcover |
Pages: | 240 |
ISBN: | 978-0201835953 |
One of the primary tasks of a project manager is to negotiate—negotiate scope, negotiate for resources, negotiate for money, negotiate end dates, etc.—there is almost nothing that a project manager has as a give. Even in your personal life, negotiation skills are essential for dealing with everything from your kids' bedtime, to the price of your next car. Understanding the art and science of negotiation is critical. This book, especially in conjunction with one of our classes, is a great way to get you down the road to improving you negotiation skills. Don't be fooled though, negotiation takes practice.
The Seven Arts of Change: Leading Business Transformation That Lasts
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Author: | David Shaner |
Publisher: | Union Square Press |
Released: | November 2010 |
Type: | Hardcover |
Pages: | 184 |
ISBN: | 978-0201835953 |
This book is currently under review, more details will be added when available
In my opinion, as a project manager, you cannot read too many books on handling change. Each gives you a different perspective on how to effectively deliver a project whose product is valuable. This is a lesser known book, but has a great perspective.
Many businesses try to change, but few succeed. At best, a few buzzwords and new reports become part of the company's structure. At worst, programs crash and burn, and the members of the organization become irreparably disillusioned with the revolving door of new-mission statements. According to David Shaner-a business consultant with a 100% success rate of change at companies including Duracell, Frito-Lay, Caesars Palace and Gillette-the problem is that those changes don't address either individuals or the corporate culture. They're only on the surface.
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